To speak the truth about yourself (what you are) needs a stronger heart (bravery). Those who aren't brave enough to accept and tell people what they actually are, are weaker one and so is their policy i.e they hide their actual self. Tacitus (ancient Roman historian) said about Livia that she was well aware of her husband, Augustus's policies and son, Tiberius's dissimulation. When Mucianus encouraged the Governor of Siria, Vespasian to declare war against the Roman Emperor, he refused because he was afraid of the piercing judgment (sharp mind) of Augustus and dissimulation (caution or closeness) of Tiberius. At that stage, Bacon admired these capabilities in a human being by saying if a man has a penetration of judgment like Augustus, he is well aware of when, where, to whom, how much and what to say. If a person Lacks this policy, he must adopt the Tiberius technique to keep things close and to keep quiet as it is the safest way.
The great men in history were a name of certainty and truthfulness. It is because they were like well-trained horses who knew well which way is righteous and worthy to follow. They were fair in public dealings and when they found a situation that required dissimulation_ they used it. But their truthfulness but so widely spread that people overlooked their dissimulation.
There are three degrees of hiding or veiling of a man's self.
- The first one is secrecy or reservation: it is a positive one in which a man does not want others to reach out or to become aware of his thoughts and plans.
- The second one is dissimulation: it is a negative one when a man lets false signs and statements to support that he is not, what he is.
- The third one is a simulation in which man industriously shows off and pretends to be what he is not.
➤ The first one, secrecy, is good. A person should keep his secret with all the confidence otherwise the war (differences) of his words and countenance will make him fall suspicious in others' eyes. Secrecy is what makes a man a confessor as people feel free to ease their hearts in front of a confessor/secret keeper rather than a babbler or a blab. It enables him to discover a lot and get a lot of knowledge. Besides, (to say truth) nakedness is uncomely; as well in mind as in body. A talker and futile is commonly vain and credulous withal_ for who talks what he knows, will also talk what he knows not.
➤ The second one, dissimulation, is a higher level of secrecy or you can say a negative aspect. But a secret keeper must be a dissembler in some way because people are cunning enough to discover the truth. They will shower the man with questions and he will surely show an inclination one way. Even if he remains silent, they will conclude. If he takes support from multi-meaning or puzzling statements, it will last sooner. So to keep secrets one must give himself a little scope of dissimulation. You can say dissimulation is a skirt of secrecy.
➤ The third degree is the most blameworthy except in some rare and great cases. This capability arises in those with a faulty mind, false nature and fearfulness about something. So that they need a disguise and thus they simulate not only faults but those which aren't defects withal.
▼ Advantages of Simulation and Dissimulation: There are three advantages of simulation and dissimulation
- The first one is to let your opposite lay asleep in carelessness and shake them with great shock by acting upon your intentions.
- Second is you have a chance of a fair retreat if you aren't satisfied completely with your plan.
- Thirdly you can discover the mind of others as no one opens up to a babbler or a blab.
▼ Disadvantages of Simulation and Dissimulation: Disadvantages are also there.
- First is simulation and dissimulation carries with them a fearfulness and the person can't fly high in any business.
- Secondly, that person becomes suspicious of others so they don't stand by him that perhaps would otherwise co-operate.
- Thirdly, that person can't trust or believe anyone and believe is the principal support for action.
Keeping all the aspects in mind, Bacon in the end suggests the best composition of temperament that one should have openness in public affairs and opinions, secrecy in his own personal habits and dissimulation sometimes only when no other option is left.
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